Tuesday 17 June 2014

Sunshine Holidays

Travel blog : Lollypop Cheap Holidays


Find Yourself a Sunshine Holiday

Summer means hot beaches and sun holidays. We waited so much to see sunshine in UK this year. Here are some places to go for hot sunny holidays.
Recommended Websites:  Sunshine Holidays and www.Sunshine.co.uk

New Zealand

What do you think of when you picture New Zealand? Do you think of birds that cannot fly and people playing dangerous sports? Or do you imagine rugby players performing the fearsome hakat Located in the remote South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand is a land of mighty mountains, rushing rivers, spectacular volcanoes, and bubbling geysers. Its nearest neighbour is Australia, over 1,600 kilometres (1,000 miles) away. The two main population groups are the European settlers and the Maori, but people from Polynesia, Asia, and other parts of the world live there as well.
Cultural life : Maori myths and language dominate the country's culture, along with European sports, such as cricket and rugby. When a New Zealander greets you, you will either shake hands or perform a hongi. This is a meeting of foreheads and noses. Hongi means one breath.


The Canaries are Europe's closest and most reliable winter sun destination. Of all the islands,Tenerife has the widest range of holiday attractions, sports and nightlife. It also has the most varied and spectacular scenery, from lush banana plantations and pine forests to cinder deserts and cactus ravines - here you can travel from subtropical temperatures to the snowline in less than two hours. Its flowers, wild and cultivated, will fascinate any garden lover. Even in the cooler winter months,you'll find the island glowing with bougainvillea, hibiscus and oleander, and vivid scarlet poinsettias the size of small trees.


Most of Italy is a peninsula that stretches from the Alps in the north to the island of Sicily in the south. The southern tip divides into what looks like a toe and a heel. The coastline along most of the peninsula has few wide bays and there are no long and wide river estuaries. The islands of Sicily and Sardinia are both part of Italy, as well as several much smaller islands such as Elba and Capri. Some of the islands, such as Stromboli and Vukano, are active volcanoes.